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작성자 법무사
작성일 2014/05/17
분 류 외국인국내투자
tag5 외국회사, 외국계기업, 외국기업, 한국글로벌기업, 다국적기업, 국내외국기업, 외국인투자, 외국인투자기업, 국제조세, 한국지사설립, 외국인투자신고, 외투법인, 외국기업국내지사설치,
ㆍ추천: 0  ㆍ조회: 866      

Judicial Agent Sungsoo Kims Office,

Address: 37, 30 Seochodaero52Gil, Seocho, Seoul, South Korea, Tel: 822 584 1122, Fax: 822 6455 1155

Email: iwoo8517@naver.com, iwoo8517@naver.com, Website: www.bubmoo.com


Chapter 4 General Meeting of Stockholders


Article 18 (Time of Calling)

The general meeting of stockholders of this company shall be divided to the regular and the extraordinary general meeting.

The regular general meeting shall be called 3 months within the end of every business year, and the extraordinary be called by the resolution of the board of directors as occasion demands.


Article 19 (Caller)

 The general meeting of stockholders shall be called by the representative director by the resolution of the board of directors unless otherwise prescribed at the laws and ordinances.

 In case the representative director has any trouble, the article 35 (Duties of Directors) shall be applied to.


Article 20 (Notice and Notification of Calling)

 The date, place and agenda shall be notified to stockholders in writing 2 weeks before the general meeting date.

 The calling notice to the stockholders having less than 1/100 of the total number of issued stocks with voting rights can be take the place of a written notice by notifying its call and agenda at the Korea Economy Newspaper and Daily Economy Newspaper published in Seoul-City over 2 times.

In case this company notifies calling of general meeting of stockholders according to paragraph , , it shall notify or make public the company's management reference matters prescribed at the article of the Securities Transaction Act. But keeping ready the company's management reference matters for the head office, branch offices, transfer agency, Securities Management Commission and Stock Exchange can take the place of notification or notice.


Article 21 (Place of Call)

The general meeting of stockholders can be held at the head office, or at the other proximity place as occasion needs.


Article 22 (Chairman)

The chairman of the general meeting of stockholders shall be the representative director.

In case the representative director has any trouble, the article 35 (Duties of Directors) shall be applied to.


Article 23 (Chairman's Right of Maintaining Public Order)

The chairman of the general meeting of stockholders can issue an order of suspending, cancelling the acts or speaking for filibustering the proceedings or leaving the place to those who intentionally disturb public peace, and the ordered person shall obey the order.

The chairman of the general meeting of stockholders, if he deems it necessary, can restrict the speaking time and frequency of any stockholder.


Article 24 (Voting Right of Stockholders)

Stockholders shall have one vote by one stock.


Article 25 (Restriction of Voting Right to Mutual Stock)

In case this company, its parent company, or subsidiary companies have the stocks exceeding 1/10 of the total number of issued stocks of other company, the stocks of this company owned by the other company shall have no voting right.


Article 26 (Uneven Exercise of Voting Right)

 When any stockholder having over two voting rights intends to uneven exercise his or her voting right, he or she shall notify its intention and reason in writing to the company 3 days before the meeting.

 The company can refuse the uneven exercise of the stockholder's voting right. But if the stockholder underwrote the trust of stock or had the stock benefit of others, this provision shall not apply to it.


Article 27 (Exercise of Voting Right by Proxy)

 The stockholder can have an agent exercise the voting right.

 The agent of paragraph , shall submit any deed to evidence his or her right of representation (Power of Attorney) before the opening of the general meeting of stockholders.


Article 28 (Resolution Method of General Meeting of Stockholders)

Unless otherwise prescribed at the laws and ordinances, the resolution of the general meeting of stockholders shall be passed by the majority of the voting rights of the stockholders present and over 1/4 of the total number of issued stocks.


Article 29 (Minutes of General Meeting of Stocks)

The points and results of the general meeting's proceedings shall be recorded at the minutes, which shall be sealed and signed by the chairman and directors present and kept ready for the head office and branch offices.


Article 30 (Transfer of Reserved Fund to Capital)

The company can transfer all or part of reserved fund by the resolution of the stockholders' general meeting. 

Judicial Agent Sungsoo Kims Office,

Address: 37, 30 Seochodaero52Gil, Seocho, Seoul, South Korea, Tel: 822 584 1122, Fax: 822 6455 1155

Email: iwoo8517@naver.com, iwoo8517@naver.com, Website: www.bubmoo.com



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